There’s nothing like the feeling of holding your own book in your hands.
Whether it’s a memoir, a collection of poems, or a work of fiction, writing a book is a truly cathartic experience. Writing a book can be a healing experience, both for yourself and for others. It’s an opportunity to pour your heart and soul into something, and to see your hard work pay off in a physical form. It’s also a way to connect with others who have shared similar experiences or who are interested in the same topics as you.
Whatever your motivation, making your own book is a rewarding experience that can change your life for the better.
Here are five reasons you want to make your own book.
1. You get to share your unique story with the world
There’s nothing quite like the feeling of holding your very own book in your hands. Whether you’re a seasoned author or a first-time novelist, the thrill of seeing your name in print is undeniable. But beyond the personal satisfaction of completing a manuscript, writing a book also gives you the opportunity to share your unique story with the world.
In today’s fast-paced, increasingly digitized world, there’s something special about being able to curl up with a good book and escape into another world for a while. Rather than sharing snippets of your life, your art, your ideas onto little posts on social media, writing a book gives you a chance to take storytelling offline in a way that is timeless and engaging.
2. You can be the one in control – you decide what happens and how it happens
This can be liberating, especially if you’ve always felt like you’re on the outside looking in when it comes to your life. With a book, you can create your own world and populate it with whomever you choose. You get to make the rules and decide what happens next. It’s all up to you. And that can be a very empowering feeling.
By writing a book, you can provide your readers with a sense of escape and adventure. Whether it’s a heart-warming real-life tale of love and loss or a fictional nail-biting thriller that keeps them on the edge of their seats, your story has the power to transport readers to new worlds and give them an experience they’ll never forget. It can also be a way to explore your life’s stories through poetry and short stories, mixing your lived experiences with your perspectives on what’s happening in the world.
3. It’s a great way to connect with other people who share your passion
When you write a book, you are creating something that didn’t exist before. This is a special and unique opportunity that comes with a great responsibility. You have the chance to connect with other people who share your passion for the topic at hand, and to create something that will make a difference in their lives. Done well, writing a book can be an incredibly rewarding experience. It’s a way to share your knowledge and expertise with the world, and to make a lasting impact on the lives of others.
4. Writing a book is an immersive creative experience
Writing a book takes dedication, focus, and perseverance to see a project through from start to finish. But the rewards of writing a book are well worth the effort. Not only do you have the satisfaction of seeing your name in print, but you also have the opportunity to share your vision with the world. And if your book is lucky enough to find success, you might just find yourself on the bestseller list. So whatever your reason for writing a book, know that it’s an undertaking that comes with its fair share of challenges. But if you’re willing to put in the work, you just might end up with something incredible.
5. It’s a great way to establish yourself as an expert in your field
Writing a book is a great way to establish yourself as an expert in your field. By taking the time to go through the full creative process of making a book, you’re showcasing your knowledge and articulating your own experience. This could be by writing on a non-fiction subject, such as my book Coloring is Good for You: 13 Reasons to Color Daily, or by sharing your storytelling skills through short stories, a novella, or even poetry. Writing a book is a chance to share your knowledge and experience with others, and in doing so you’re able to show that you’re an authority on your chosen subject.
Are you ready to start writing? One of the best ways to begin is with a handwritten journal. This takes the experience offline and gives you a chance to develop your voice and get your creative juices flowing.
To help make the process even more fun, I’ve created a set of Coloring Journals. Starting each writing session with coloring can help train your brain to drop into the zone, building a habit of writing that is easy to keep up overtime.
Want help with the creative process? Get in touch for creative services and creativity classes.
The Coloring Journal Set by ZieBee Media. Click on the image to purchase on Amazon and start your writing adventure in no time!
About the Author
Mackenzie Bakewell, or ZieBee, is the lead author and artist here at ZieBee Media. Mackenzie is a travel photographer, illustrator, and professional book maker. She specializes in helping people turn their ideas into reality, tapping into her background in web design, publishing, and portrait photography. She is passionate about the use of coloring as a tool for health and happiness.