Bold, Brave, & Beautiful
by ZieBeeA Coloring Book
Is there anyone in your life that you want to inspire and empower to feel Bold, Brave, and Beautiful?
Get a copy or two for them, and one for you too!
About the Book
Each illustration represents a feeling of power and freedom, engaging with the world around you while embracing your inner strength.
The book is just 5×7 in size, a perfect companion in your purse, on your travels, or for by your bed for some evening coloring. It is printed on smooth sturdy cardstock, and is printed single-sided with perforated pages. This way you can tear out the drawing, for easy coloring or to gift it to a friend, or even display it on your wall.
The book was designed and published by ZieBee Media, and printed locally here in Portland, Oregon.
If there is anyone of any age in your life that you want to inspire and empower to feel Bold, Brave, and Beautiful, buy a copy or two for them, and also one for you.
More to Come…
I have mapped out over 20 possible illustrations, and in time plan to use these ideas to create a full coloring book.
Stories, prints, additional pages, and even a larger coloring book are goals for the expansion of this project. Support the project by joining my creative community on Patreon.
Bold, Brave, & Beautiful
by ZieBeePurchase your copy or join my Patreon page to support this project.